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Insurance & Fees

Fees for services with an Trainee at PCG Clinic are offered at a reduced rate. There are no income requirements for clients to receive the reduced rate. Services at PCG Clinic provided may be billed to a client’s insurance or paid out of pocket. PCG Clinic is in network with most major insurance including Ohio Medicaid. Medicare is not accepted though Medicare members can choose to pay the reduced out of pocket rate. The services billed to insurance will include the supervising clinician’s provider information on each claim. Clients who have insurance coverage and whose sessions are billed to insurance for payment, may owe a lesser rate or no fee, depending on coverage. Clients of PCG Clinic may pay up to, but no more than the out of pocket rate for each session.


Reduced Rate Out of Pocket Rates for Services at PCG Clinic:

16-60 Min. Intake/Psychological Evaluation (1st Individual Session): $55

38-60 Min. Individual Session: $50

16-37 Min. Individual Session: $40

26-45 Min. Session with Guardians/Parents of Minors: $40

26-50 Min. Family Session: $70

50 Min. Couples Session: $70

1 Hr. Group Counseling Session: $10



Miscellaneous Charges (Charged Directly to Client/Not Billable to Insurance):

Missed or Late Cancelled Appts (*commercial or private insured only):


Requests to Complete forms (depending on type)


Requests for Written Letter (other than appointment excuse and no more than one page)


Record Requests (other than court ordered/subpoena or for SSDI)


Consults on Behalf of Client Request with Other Professionals (ex: psychiatrist, hospital staff, school staff, etc)

$25 min.

Required Appearance in Court on Clients Behalf (regardless of time spent)

$3500/day minimum

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